Overview: Bookings

When you need to block guestrooms or function space for your customer, you create a booking. A booking is a record that displays all the details about a group's stay. You can manage this information using the Bookings tab.

A booking is a private record by default. This means only the booking owner, a user sourced on the booking, or a user with Edit All access to the property can edit the booking. This includes editing the details, guestrooms blocks, function space, booking events, and notes and attachments.

Users with Edit Owned access to the property that are not sourced can clone the booking, add new activities, and enter transactions. However, they cannot modify the booking details or any of the associated records they do not own.

Learn more...

Create bookings

Block guestrooms

Manage events

Manage booking transactions

Merge booking documents

Manage booking packages

Add terms and conditions

Clone bookings

Move bookings

Change the status of a booking