Create menus and items

The content of this page is specific to the Delphi product type. If you are using the Delphi Core product type, click here to access the Delphi Core-specific online help.

Before you create a new menu or item, ensure that it does not already exist.

To create a menu or item

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In the Items/Menus/Text section of the Property page, click New Item.

      Corporate menus and items cannot be created at the property level.

    • Navigate to Items, and then click New.
  2. Select the type of menu or item to create.
  3. Complete the fields on this page as needed.

    The Applies to column indicates which menu or item types the field applies to. The column displays 'All' when the field applies to Items, Simple Menus, Detailed Menus, and Text Items.



    Applies to
    Name Enter the name to display on event orders and banquet checks. All
    Abbreviation Enter an abbreviation of the name for searching purposes. All
    Rich Description

    Enter the description to display on event orders. Use the buttons on the formatting toolbar to customize the appearance of the text.

    You can also click Link (Icon of two linked chains) to insert a hyperlink in the description.

    To avoid formatting issues, Amadeus recommends that you type the description rather than copying and pasting it from an outside source.
    The justification of the text in the Description field is controlled by the formatting specified in the BEO merge template.

    Unit Price Enter the price not including taxes, gratuity, or administrative charges.

    If the item is always priced with a menu, you do not need to enter a price.


    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Units Enter the measurement of how the item is sold, for example, by dozen or by gallon.

    This value can display on the BEO for informational purposes only. It does not affect the total revenue calculation.


    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Sold By Enter the method of how the item is sold, for example, per person or per hour.

    This value can display on the BEO for informational purposes only. It does not affect the total revenue calculation.


    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Revenue Classification

    Search for the appropriate revenue classification. The revenue classification determines the following:

    • The section of the BEO where the menu or item displays
    • The default gratuity and administrative charge that apply
    • The taxes that apply
    • The revenue category that applies for revenue tracking and reporting.
    Item Category

    Select the category used when searching for the menu or item. This narrows down the search results in the Manage Menus and Items page, making it easier to find the exact menus or items you need. Examples of item categories include Breakfast, Cash Bar, and Break Items.

    Active When selected, the menu or item is available to all applicable properties. When cleared, the menu or item is not available for selection. All
    Property Select the property where the menu or item exists. If this is a corporate menu or item, leave the Property field blank. All
    Quantity and Inventory Options
    Quantity Calculation

    Select how the menu or item quantity needs to be calculated when added to events:

    • Not Calculated - The quantity is not automatically calculated. Instead, you must enter the quantity needed for the event.
    • Per Person - The quantity is calculated using the following information:

      • Quantity = (Most Current Attendance * Consumption %) / Service Factor).
      • For example, if 100 people are expected at an event and a cup of soup serves 1, 100 cups of soup are needed for the event. If a cake serves 20, 5 cakes are needed.
    • Per Event - The service factor is used to calculate the quantity needed for the event. For example, if 100 people are expected at an event and an LCD projector has a service factor of 100, only one is needed.

    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Service Factor

    Enter the number of people the menu or item serves. The default is 1.

    For example, a glass of wine serves 1 while a bottle of wine serves 4.


    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Estimated Consumption %

    Enter the average percentage of event attendees that plan to consume the menu or item. The default value is 100%. This is used most often when the item is priced with menu.

    For example, a Coffee Break menu includes coffee and tea. You estimate 60% of attendees might drink coffee during the event. For the Coffee item, enter 60 for the Estimated Consumption %.


    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Allow Decimal Quantities When this checkbox is selected, partial quantities of the item can be sold. For example, you can sell 2.5 gallons of coffee. Item

    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Track Inventory

    When selected, the item inventory is tracked at the property. A function room needs to be blocked on a Tentative or Definite booking before an event's items are taken out of inventory. This checkbox needs to be selected to include the item in the Item Inventory report.

    This does not apply to corporate items.


    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Inventory Enter the total quantity of this item available at the property. This field needs to be populated to include the item in the Item Inventory report.

    This does not apply to corporate items.


    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    BEO and Banquet Check Display
    Hide Quantity on BEO

    When this checkbox is selected, the menu or item quantity does not display on the BEO.


    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Hide Price on BEO

    When this checkbox is selected, the menu or item price does not display on the BEO.

    If a menu or item is on a package event and the Included in Package checkbox is selected, the menu or item price is automatically hidden on the BEO.


    Simple Menu

    Detailed Menu

    Do Not Print on BEO

    When this checkbox is selected, the menu or item does not display on the BEO.


    Do Not Print on Check

    When this checkbox is selected, the menu or item does not display on the banquet check.


    The required fields display a red indicator. These fields need to be complete before you can save the record.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Click Save to save your changes and open the Item page. If you are creating a menu, you can use the Item page to further define the menu's revenue breakdown. For detailed menus, you can also add choice groups and a la carte items included with the menu.
    • Click Save & New to save your changes and create another new menu or item.
    • Click Cancel to discard your changes.
Learn more...

Video: Create items and menus

Video: Create detailed menus

Edit menus and items

Clone menus and items

Delete menus and items

Types of menus and items