Block guestrooms
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To block guestrooms for a booking, you can use the Room Block Details window to enter room count and rate information for each day.
As of version R49, two user experiences are available for entering and managing room blocks. For more information on the Room Block Details experience that is relevant to you, select the link below.
- Room Block Details for the classic Guestrooms experience
- Room Block Details for the new Guestrooms experience
A booking can have multiple room blocks. You can use multiple room blocks to offer the same room type at a different rate. A booking can also have room blocks at different properties.
If your property is integrated with a PMS, you might be required to allocate rooms to specific room types depending on the status of the booking. Contact your property administrator for more information. If you are not integrated with a PMS, you can block rooms in Run of House (ROH) or individual room types.
To block guestrooms
- On the Booking page, go to the Guestrooms section and click +Room Block. The New Room Block window displays.
- If needed, select a different property.
- If needed, update the Name of the room block.
Select the current Room Block Status, if applicable.
Your property configuration controls whether you can manage the status of the room block separately from the booking status. If the Status field is read-only, the room block status always reflects the current booking status. See Change the room block status.
- If your property is integrated with a PMS, enter the appropriate PMS ID/Group Code and Rate Code.
Click Save or Create, depending on your guestroom experience. The Room Block Details window displays each day of the booking.
Room types with inventory sourced through an External Availability integration display a cloud icon (
). A warning icon (
) displays next to the room type and date if the entered guestroom amount exceeds availability.
- Click +Room Types.
- Do one of the following:
- Select one or more guestroom types, where appropriate for your booking.
- Select all room types to add them all to the block. This might be required if your company is integrated with a PMS.
Enter the number of guestrooms and rates for each day and room type in the following manner:
- Click the Agreed field for the first day, enter the number of rooms, and press Tab. The Agreed value is copied to the Forecast and Blocked fields.
- Repeat for each additional day in the pattern.
- Enter the rate for each day.
- To adjust the room count or rate for a particular day, click the field and update the value as needed.
- Click Save.
Keyboard shortcuts
To help you add attendance, if enabled, the following keyboard shortcuts are available for the Agreed, Forecast, and Block rows:
- CTRL+B copies the rooms and rates from a selected room type and day to the rest of the pattern.
- CTRL+SHIFT+B copies the selected row, for example, Block, to the rest of the pattern.
- CTRL+S saves changes.
These shortcuts do not apply to the Pickup row.
Values are copied to the selected room type only, and you can only copy forward in a pattern. Existing values are not overwritten.
Learn more...
Video: Block guestrooms in the classic experience
Video: Room block keyboard shortcuts in the classic experience