Block guestrooms

When you're ready to block guestrooms for a booking, use the Room Block Details window to enter the room count and rate for each day in the pattern.

With the release of R49, we offer two different user experiences when entering and managing room blocks. For more information on the Room Block Details experience that is relevant for your environment, click the link below.

A booking can have multiple room blocks. This allows you to offer the same room type with a different rate by creating a new room block. A booking can also have room blocks at different properties.

If your property is integrated with a PMS, you may be required to allocate rooms to specific room types depending on the status of the booking. Please contact your Property Administrator for more information. If you're not integrated with a PMS, you can block rooms in ROH or individual room types.

To block guestrooms

  1. On the Booking page, go to the Guestrooms section and click New Room Block. The New Room Block window opens.
  2. Enter the Name of the room block and select the Property.
  3. If the Status field is editable, select the current status of the room block.

Your property configuration determines whether or not you can manage the status of the room block separately from the booking status. If the Status field is read-only, the room block status will always reflect the current booking status. See Change the room block status.

  1. If your property is integrated with a PMS, enter the appropriate PMS ID/Group Code and Rate Code.
  2. Click Save.

    The Room Block Details window opens and displays each day of the booking. Guestroom Block Totals appear in bold. As you enter guestrooms and rates for each day of the room block, the totals will update accordingly.

For properties with an External Availability integration, a Icon of a blue cloud icon will be displayed next to the room type for which inventory is sourced via the integration. Additionally, a Icon of a orange exclamation point icon will appear next to the room type and date if the entered guestroom amount exceeds availability.

  1. Click Add Room Types.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select a guestroom type or more guestroom types, where appropriate for your booking.
    • Select all room types to add them all to the block.
  3. Enter the number of guestrooms and rates for each day and room type using one of these methods:
  1. Click Save.
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Video: Block guestrooms (Classic experience)

Video: Room block keyboard shortcuts (Classic experience)