Create a meeting space
The Meeting Spaces page is for Property Edition. Only administrators have access to the Meeting Spaces page.
A meeting space is an outline of any area used for events. You can use the Meeting Spaces page to create meeting spaces.
You can enter the dimensions of the space and use the drawing canvas to add doors, windows, and change the angles of the walls. The end result is a scaled map of the meeting space including any partitions, pillars, or fixed furniture.
To open this page, in the navigation menu (), click Administration and then click Meeting Spaces.
What do you want to do?

From the Meeting Spaces page, click Create New and select Meeting Space. The Create Meeting Space page displays.
If you have access to multiple properties, ensure the appropriate property is selected on the Property filter before you click Create New.
Enter a Meeting Space Name, space Width, space Length, and the Min Height of the space.
Imperial or metric values display based on the Measurement selection made in User Preferences.
- If applicable, enter the Max Height of the space.
- The Calculated Area is automatically calculated. To use a different value, select Override Calculated Area and enter the value.
- Click Create.
- An outline of the meeting space displays on the drawing canvas. You can add further details to your meeting space outline. See Meeting space drawing canvas for more information.

You can upload an image to use to trace a meeting space outline.
From the Meeting Spaces page, click Create New and select Meeting Space. The Create Meeting Space page displays.
If you have access to multiple properties, ensure the appropriate property is selected on the Property filter before you click Create New.
Enter a Meeting Space Name, space Width, space Length, and the Min Height of the space.
Imperial or metric values display based on the Measurement selection made in User Preferences.
- If applicable, enter the Max Height of the space.
- The Calculated Area is automatically calculated. To use a different value, select Override Calculated Area, and enter the value.
- Click Create.
- An outline of the meeting space displays on the drawing canvas. See Meeting space drawing canvas for additional instructions on the Outline tool.

To create a meeting space that can be divided into components, first create the combination meeting space, following the Create a meeting space steps above. Then, add any fixed features such as windows, doors, and pillars. See Meeting space drawing canvas for more information.
Click Create Copy/Component Meeting Space (
) next to the new combination meeting space.
Ensure the Copy Meeting Space checkbox is cleared.
Enter a name for the new meeting space.
Add the dimensions for the meeting space.
Click Create. The drawing canvas displays.
Use the editor to add the fixed features and edit any angled walls.
In the Meeting Spaces page, you can expand the arrow next to the name of the combination meeting space to see its components.

From the Meeting Spaces page, click Create New and select Meeting Space. The Create Meeting Space page displays.
If you have access to multiple properties, ensure the appropriate property is selected on the Property filter before you click Create New.
Enter a Meeting Space Name, space Width, space Length, and the Min Height of the space.
Imperial or metric values display based on the Measurement selection made in User Preferences.
- If applicable, enter the Max Height of the space.
- The Calculated Area is automatically calculated. To use a different value, select Override Calculated Area, and enter the value.
- Click Create.
- An outline of the meeting space displays on the drawing canvas. See Meeting space drawing canvas for additional instructions on the Room Cut tool.
Learn more...
Batch print meeting space information
What's next?
How to use the Meeting space drawing canvas
How to create layouts for your meeting space
How to enter capacities