Guestroom Bookings

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The Guestroom Bookings section of the Availability page displays bookings with room blocks during the selected date range. The total rooms and average rate display for the entire booking, regardless of the time period selected. When you open the Availability page, the bookings for the last property you viewed display. When you open the Availability page for the first time or clear your browser cache, your default property displays.

If the Prevent Availability Autoload option is selected on your Amadeus User Settings page, bookings do not display until you select a property and click Go.

To open Guestroom Bookings

  1. Click the Availability tab.
  2. If you do not see the Guestroom Bookings section, click Guestroom Bookings.
  3. Enter the date to view and press Enter, or click Calendar (Icon of a calendar) and select a date.

    If you want the Availability page to display the last date you viewed, select Remember Last Availability Date on the Amadeus User Settings tab. If you do not select this option, today's date displays each time you open the page.

  4. To change the time period that displays, click the corresponding button at the top of the page. Use the double arrow buttons to move forward or backward by that time period. Use the single arrow buttons to move forward or backward by one day at a time.
  5. If you have access to multiple properties, use the Property list to do one of the following:

    • To add a property to your view, select the checkbox next to each property to view and click Go.

      Properties with an External Availability integration can select up to three integrated properties at the same time.

    • To remove a property from your view, clear the checkbox next to the property and click Go.

    A list of bookings that meet your search criteria displays. Bookings are grouped by property, then booking status, and then arrival date. You can click - and + to collapse and expand the list of bookings under a property.

  6. Click More Info to choose which information to display in the grid:  
    Checkbox details

    This is the current status of the booking.

    • D = Definite

    • T = Tentative

    • P = Prospect

    Bookings are color-coded according to their status. The following are the defaults but your administrator might have changed these colors to reflect your property's operating procedures.

    • Green = Definite

    • Blue = Tentative

    • Red = Prospect

    Booking OwnerThis is the user who owns the booking.
    Avg RateThis is the average rate for all agreed, forecasted, blocked, and picked up guestrooms.

    By default, all room blocks on the booking are combined into a single row. To see the Avg Rate for an individual room block, select Room Block Detail.

    For cross-property bookings, display all applicable properties and select Room Block Detail. The Avg Rate for the entire booking displays under the property that created the booking.

    Mat %This stands for materialization percentage. This is the percentage of consumed agreed, forecasted, and blocked guestrooms.
    Agreed, Forecasted, Blocked, Picked UpThis is the room count type. Each value displays as a separate row: A, F, B, and P.
    Total RoomsThis is the total number of agreed, forecasted, blocked, and picked up guestrooms.

    By default, all room blocks on the booking are combined into a single row. To see the total number of rooms for an individual room block, select Room Block Detail.

    For cross-property bookings, display all applicable properties and select Room Block Detail. The total number of rooms for the entire booking displays under the property that created the booking.

  7. To view the individual room blocks on the booking, select Room Block Detail. If your property is integrated with a PMS, the PMS ID/Group Code for the room block displays. The room block status also displays, which can be different from the booking status.
  8. In the Name column, hover over a booking or room block to view important information. Double-click a booking or room block to view the details in a separate tab.

    Your corporate administrator can customize the Guestroom Bookings tooltip to show additional booking details important to your property.

  9. To create a new booking from the Guestroom Bookings section, click New Booking at the top of the page.

Guestroom Bookings right-click options

Right-click anywhere in Guestroom Bookings to use the following options:

Right-click option details
Refresh This displays the most current information. If you keep the Availability page open while working in other areas, you need to refresh often.
Collapse All This collapses all the rows under a property.
Expand All This displays all the rows under a property.

Date collections

Highlighted dates on the Availability page are called date collections. A date collection calls attention to special dates that impact your property's rates, inventory, and operations. Examples include holidays, citywides, and promotions. To view details about a highlighted date, hover over the date column header. You can also click the column header to open the date information in a separate window.

Learn more...

Overview: Availability

Check availability

Video: View room blocks for multiple properties