Enter guarantees

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You can use the Booking Events grid and the Edit Multiple Events window to enter guarantees. If the guaranteed attendance value varies across events, use the booking events grid. If the guaranteed attendance value is the same for all events, use the Edit Multiple Events window to bulk update the Guaranteed field with a single value.

The guaranteed attendance value you enter is automatically copied to the Actual Quantity field on the Manage Menus and Items page. After the event, you can update the Actual Quantity to reflect the quantity sold.

To enter guarantees using the booking events grid

  1. Open the booking.
  2. Navigate to the booking events grid.
  3. Click in the Guaranteed column for the first event, enter the guarantee, and then press the down arrow key to move to the next event.
  4. Repeat for each applicable event, and then click Save.

To enter guarantees using the Edit Multiple Events window

  1. Open the booking.
  2. Click Manage Events.
  3. Select the events whose guaranteed attendance you want to enter and click Edit Multiple. The Edit Multiple Events window displays.
  4. Enter the Guaranteed attendance, and then click Update. The value you enter displays in the Guaranteed column for all selected events.
  5. Click Save.
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Enter actual quantities

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Video: Banquet user tasks