Booking events grid

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You can use the booking events grid to manage an entire program of events in one central location. To access the events grid, click Manage Events on the Booking page. This grid is also available inline on the Booking page.

The following tools are available within the grid to help you create, modify, and detail events:


Button details
New Event (Green plus icon) This adds a blank row to the top of the grid. You can then create a new booking event. Tab through each field to enter the event details.

You can also press CTRL+E to create a new event.

Red triangles in the corner of a field indicate unsaved changes. These indicators disappear after you click Save. After you save the event, it displays chronologically by start date and start time.

Clone Events (Clone event icon of a yellow notepad and a green plus) This opens the Clone Events window. You can then copy selected events to additional days in the booking.
From Existing Booking (Clone event icon of a yellow notepad and a green plus) This is located under the Clone Events option and opens the Booking Event Search window. You can then search for existing bookings and copy the events from that booking into this booking, including events at other properties.
Edit Multiple (Icon of a pencil) This opens the Edit Multiple Events window. You can then bulk update selected events with the same change. For example, to move multiple events to a different function room, use Edit Multiple to automatically apply that change to all selected events.
BEO (Icon of a cloche) This button can be used to do the following:
Change Log Entry (Change log icon of a cloche with a red exclamation mark) This is used to create a Change Log Entry for the selected events.
Delete (Delete icon of an X)

This deletes each selected event.

By default, only the booking owner or a corporate administrator can delete events. However, your corporate administrator can enable an org-wide option that allows users sourced on the booking to delete the events.

Save (Save icon) This saves your changes.
Close (Red circle with whie X) This discards your changes without saving.
Refresh (Green refresh arrow) This refreshes the event information in the grid.
Search / Filter (Magnifying glass icon) This can be used to find specific events. Click Search / Filter to display the following search criteria fields:
  • Classification - Select the event classifications to view.
  • Event Status - By default, the status of the event is the same as the booking status. However, your property might allow you to manage the event status independent of the booking.
  • Done - Select whether to view events marked Done.
  • BEO - Select the BEO numbers to view in the grid. Only BEOs for the current booking are available for selection.
  • Function Room - Select the function room for the events to view.
  • Setup - Select the function room setup for the events to view.
  • Event Dates - Enter the date range for the events to view.
  • Search Events - Enter the name of the event to view.
  • Clear Filters - This removes applied filters and displays all events again.
  • Close Filters - This hides the search criteria fields.
Property list By default, the booking's property displays. If the booking has events at a different property, you can use this list to select that property and view its events.
Page field and arrows These are located below the grid and can be used to navigate and to view additional events.
Views list and Save View

These are located below the grid and can be used to customize your view of the grid. You have five predefined views to help you detail and manage your events. You can customize these views by sorting the information in a column, changing the order of the columns, or selecting which types of information to display.

  • To sort the information in a column, click the arrow next to the column header and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  • To change the order of the columns, drag a column header to the appropriate location.
  • To select the types of information displayed, click the arrow next to any column header and hover over Columns. Then, select the checkbox next to each column to display. To hide a column, clear the checkbox.

Click Save View to save your changes. Your changes apply to the selected view and display each time you open the grid. To return to the default settings, click the Save View arrow and select Reset View. You can also use the Save View arrow to change the name of a view or select your default view.

Show Revenue Details This is located in the bottom-right corner of the page and opens the Revenue Details window. You can then view an estimate of charges for each event on the booking.

Additional information:

  • By default, revenue numbers display for all events on the booking. To filter this view, in the booking events grid, select each event to include before you click Show Revenue Details.
  • The order of the events in the grid controls the display order in the Revenue Details window.
  • The Blended column displays the event's forecasted revenue until the event is marked done.
  • Only events at the selected property display. For cross-property bookings, change the property before you click Show Revenue Details.
  • This window displays an Inclusive column, if inclusive pricing is enabled in your org.
  • You can keep this window open while you work in the grid, and the values are automatically updated each time the grid refreshes. You can drag the window to move it, if needed.


You can add the following columns to the booking events grid. To do so, click the arrow next to a column header and hover over Columns. Then, select the checkbox next to each column to display. To hide a column, clear the checkbox. When you are finished, you can save that view.

Column details
Action The Action column is required and cannot be removed from the grid. The Action column includes two links:

View - This opens the Booking Event page where you can view and edit the event details.

Items - This opens the Manage Menus and Items page where you can work with the event's BEO. A visual indicator next to this link signifies if items exist on the event. If items exist, a solid blue circle (Solid blue circle) displays. Otherwise, a hollow blue circle (Hollow blue circle) displays.

To see how many items are on the event, add the Total Event Items column to the grid. Each item associated with a detailed menu is counted individually.

Actual This is the total number of guests who attended the event.

You can enter the actual attendance for both non-package and package events. The actual attendance for a package event is not driven by the package attendance.

Actual Revenue Actual Revenue columns are available for each of your corporate revenue classifications and an Actual Revenue Total column is available for the event. These read-only fields reflect the BEO information displayed on the Manage Menus and Items page.

Actual Revenue is the Actual Quantity multiplied by the Item Unit Price or Menu Revenue Breakdown.

The Actual Revenue Total for the entire booking displays in the status bar at the bottom of the grid. You can also click Show Revenue Details to view the actual revenue for each selected event at the current property. For cross-property bookings, select the property with the events you want to view before you click Show Revenue Details.

Agreed This is the total number of guests the customer agreed to attend the event.
Apply Admin & Gratuity to Disc Price When this checkbox is selected, all menus and items on the event calculate admin and gratuity with the discount price. You cannot override this option on the individual menu or item. When cleared, the individual items on the event indicate how admin and gratuity charges need to be calculated with the base or discount price. See Apply admin and gratuity to discounts.

This displays the BEO# the event has been assigned to. Click this link to open the Preview & Merge window. You can then modify the menus and items on that BEO and merge the BEO.

Change the value in this column to move the event to a different BEO. You can also delete the value in this field to remove the event from the BEO.

BEO Revised Date This is the date and time of the BEO revision. This time stamp displays on the merged BEO.
Blended Revenue Blended Revenue columns are available for each of your corporate revenue classifications, and a Blended Revenue Total column is available for the event. These fields can be used to track an event's forecast revenue until the event is marked done. At that point, the event's actual revenue displays in the Blended Revenue fields.

The Blended Revenue Total for the entire booking displays in the status bar at the bottom of the grid. You can also click Show Revenue Details to view the blended revenue for each selected event at the current property. For cross-property bookings, select the property with the events you want to view before you click Show Revenue Details.

Booked Revenue Booked Revenue columns are available for each of your corporate revenue classifications, and a Booked Revenue Total column is available for the entire event. These read-only fields reflect the BEO information displayed on the Manage Menus and Items page.

Booked Revenue is the Booked Quantity multiplied by the Item Unit Price or Menu Revenue Breakdown.

You can click Show Revenue Details to view the booked revenue for each selected event at the current property. For cross-property bookings, select the property with the events you want to view before you click Show Revenue Details.

Booking Packages When you add a package to a booking, the Booking Packages column displays in the events grid. You can use this column to open the Booking Package Attendance page, to associate an event to any of the booking's packages, or to disassociate the event from a package.
Diagrams When your property integrates with Delphi Diagramming, the Diagrams column displays in the events grid. This column indicates whether a diagram in Delphi Diagramming is associated with the event.
Distributed When this value is set to Yes, it indicates the BEO is complete and has been distributed.
Done When this value is set to Yes, it indicates the BEO is detailed and is ready to distribute. The following changes also occur:
  • Reports use the actual revenue from the BEO rather than the forecasted revenue entered on the Booking Event page.
  • The Blended Revenue calculation on the Booking page uses the event's actual revenue rather than the forecasted revenue.

After an event is marked done, any changes to the BEO need to be logged in the Change Log section.

Event Classification This is the booking event type. Your administrator can configure each event classification to automatically populate the following columns in the grid:
  • Start and end times
  • Function room setup
  • Post (Yes/No)
  • Forecasted Average Check and Avg Check Factor for each corporate revenue classification

Menus and items can also default from the event classification. A visual indicator next to the event signifies if items exist on the event. If items exist, a solid blue circle (Solid blue circle) displays. Otherwise, a hollow blue circle (Hollow blue circle) displays.

When Update Booking Event Average Checks is selected on the Property page, the average checks are automatically updated each time the event classification is changed.

Event Status This is the status of the booking event. By default, the status of a booking event matches the status of the associated booking. When you change the status of the booking, the associated events automatically update.

You can change the booking event status to be different than the booking status with the Event Status column in the grid.

The status of a booking event cannot be higher than the status of the associated booking.

Expected This is the total number of guests you expect to attend the event.
Forecasted Avg Check Forecasted Average Check columns and Avg Check Factor columns are available for each of your corporate revenue classifications. These columns display the default average checks entered by your administrator for each event classification. If needed, you can update this information.

The Forecasted Revenue Total for the entire booking displays in the status bar at the bottom of the grid. To see the forecasted revenue for individual events, do one of the following:

  • Click Show Revenue Details. This opens the Revenue Details window where you can view the forecasted revenue for each selected event at the current property. For cross-property bookings, select the property with the events you want to view before you click Show Revenue Details.
  • Add the Blended Revenue Total column to the grid.
Function Room

This is the function room for the booking event. If a conflict exists with the function room you select, a warning icon displays in the grid and your event is moved to the Unassigned room. See Resolve booking event conflicts. To avoid conflicts, check availability before you block function space.

Function Room Option This is the function room the group wants to book if it becomes available. The event is added to this function room's waiting list as an option if the room becomes available.

An event can be added to a function room's waiting list in the following ways:

  • You can select the room on the Booking Event Detail page.
  • You can use the events grid on the Booking page or the Manage Events page. See Manage option events.
  • If your administrator enables the Create Options on Conflict feature, the booking event is automatically added to the room's waiting list when a conflict occurs. You still need to move the booking event from the Unassigned room to an available function room. If the Function Room Option becomes available, you can decide which wait-listed events to move into it.

With version R54 or higher, users can be notified when option event function space becomes available. See Option event notifications.

Function Room Setup

This is the setup style for the function room. This value defaults from the event classification if selected. If an event classification is not selected, the value defaults from the function room.

The maximum and minimum capacities for the function room setup are used in conflict checking. If a setup is not selected, the function room's default capacities are used instead.

Guaranteed This is the total number of guests the customer has guaranteed to attend the event.

When this value is set to Yes, it indicates users with the appropriate permissions can move the booking event to another function room. When this value is set to No, the event cannot be moved.

Name This is the name of the booking event. When you assign a function room to the booking event, this name displays on the event block in the Function Diary.
Option Number

This is the priority of the wait-listed event in the Function Room Option. This can help you decide which events need to move into the function room if the primary event cancels.

Override Booking Status When you change the Event Status to be different than the booking status, the Override column is automatically set to Yes.

When a booking is lost, cancelled, or turned down, the status of all its events reflect that booking status even when Override is set to Yes.


When this value is set to Yes, the booking event displays in the Event Posting report. This value defaults from the event classification.

Rental This is the rental rate for the function room. This defaults from the selected function room, or you can manually enter a flat amount for non-package bookings.

If you use package events, do not enter a default rental rate on the Function Room page. Instead, enter the function room rental as a per person amount on the package event revenue breakdown.

Revised BEO When this value is set to Yes, the BEO has been revised. This is a read-only field that can only be selected by using the Revise BEO feature. When a BEO is marked revised, the printed BEO can include the text 'Revised' along with the corresponding date and time.

The Distributed checkbox must be selected before you can mark a BEO revised.

Set This is the total number of seats to be set for the event.

You can enter the set attendance for both non-package and package events.

Setup Duration and Teardown Duration These values default from the function room setup if selected. If a function room setup is not selected, the values default from the function room. Setup and Teardown Duration values are specified in minutes and are added to the event block in the Function Diary. See Navigate the Function Diary.

Setup and teardown times are included in conflict checking. If a conflict exists, a warning displays. Your booking event remains in the selected function room, however, and is not moved to the Unassigned room. For more information, see Conflict checking.

Start Date and End Date These dates default from the booking's arrival date.
Start Time and End Time These times default from the selected event classification.

A booking event's times are based on the time zone of the property where the booking event takes place.

Tax Group This indicates which taxes need to be applied to the booking event. This value defaults from the property.

This value can be changed as needed. For example, to make an event tax exempt, change the value here from your default tax group to a tax exempt group.

Total Event Items This displays the number of items that are on the event. Use this field along with the item indicator (Solid blue circle) to see which events still need to be detailed.

Each item associated with a detailed menu is counted individually.

Sort events

To sort the information in a column, click the arrow next to the column header and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending. When you sort the events in the grid, they are also sorted in ascending order by Start Date and Time, regardless of the primary sort. For example, if you sort by Event Classification, all events within each classification display in ascending order according to their Start Date and Time. This sorting applies to every column in the grid except Function Room. The Function Room column has a secondary sort of Function Room Setup. In this case, the Setup sort always follows the direction of the Function Room sort.

Right-click options

The following options are available when you right-click an event in the grid. Some options can apply to multiple events. To do so, select the checkbox next to each event and then right-click one of those events to access the right-click options.

The booking events grid is available inline on the Booking page or as its own page when you click Manage Events.

Right-click option details
View This opens the Booking Event page. You can then view and edit the event details.
Items This opens the Manage Menus and Items page. You can then detail items on the event.
New Event

This adds a blank row to the top of the grid. You can then create a new event.

Red triangles in the corner of a field indicate unsaved changes. These indicators disappear after you click Save. After you save the event, it displays chronologically by start date and start time.

Clone Events This opens the Clone Events window. You can then copy selected events to additional days in the booking.
Edit Multiple This opens the Edit Multiple Events window. You can then bulk update selected events with the same change. For example, to move multiple events to a different function room, use Edit Multiple to automatically apply that change to all selected events.
Quick Clone

This copies the event in one of the following ways:

  • To Same Day - This copies the selected events to the same day.

  • To Next Day - This copies the selected events to the following day.

BEO This can be used to do the following:
Change Log Entry Use this to create a Change Log Entry on the events you have selected.
Quote Prices

Use this to display alternate currency amounts.


This deletes each selected event.

By default, only the booking owner or a corporate administrator can delete events. However, your corporate administrator can enable an org-wide option that allows users sourced on the booking to delete the events.

Refresh This refreshes the event information in the grid.
Function Diary This option is available only when you right-click the blank space below the events in the events grid. This opens the Function Diary for the current booking in a new browser tab.
Learn more...

Overview: Booking events

Process for detailing and merging BEOs

Video: Manage Events grid: Views and right-click options