Resolve booking event conflicts

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Conflict checking ensures that multiple booking events are not blocked in the same function room at the same time. When you try to book an event in a function room that is already reserved, a conflict occurs. The event is then sent to your property's Unassigned function room. This function room is a virtual holding area for all events that do not have an assigned function room. For this reason, these events are not holding space at your property. To resolve the conflict, move the event to an available room or change the start or end time to block it in the original room.

The Events in Conflict page displays a list of event conflicts grouped by booking. A message next to each event indicates why the event needed to be moved to the Unassigned function room. You can open this page by clicking the red notification that displays at the top of the Booking page when a conflict occurs. You can then select the event to resolve the conflict. After an available function room is assigned to the event, the conflict is removed from the Events in Conflict page.

If you want an event to be wait-listed in the function room you originally selected, you can select that room as the event's Function Room Option. Your administrator can also enable the Create Options on Conflict feature, which automatically adds an event to a function room's waiting list when a conflict occurs. See Manage option events.

To resolve a booking event conflict

  1. In the Messages section at the top of the Booking page, click the conflict notification. The Events in Conflict page displays each event moved to the Unassigned function room.
  2. Click the event, and then click Edit to open the Booking Event Edit page.
  3. Change the event's function room or start or end time as needed.
  4. Click Save.

You can also move a booking event out of the Unassigned room using the Function Diary. By default, the Unassigned room displays first. To move the event, drag it to the new room or time.

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Edit booking events