Sales & Catering - Delphi release notes

These release notes describe new features and fixed issues in the 2015 releases of AmadeusSales & Catering - Delphi. If you want to schedule a complimentary update, please contact Amadeus Support. To determine the release installed in your org, see Installed Packages.

R16 and R16 P4

No steps are required to enable the features in R16 or R16 P4.

R16 new features and enhancements

Booking Status Change report

Located on the Reports tab, the new Booking Status Change report lets you see how much revenue a Sales Manager has lost or gained over a period of time. This information is based on changes to a booking's status, guestrooms, and revenue (guestroom and event) and can be used to determine commission payments.

Guestroom and Catering Pace report enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to the Guestroom and Catering Pace report:

Productivity report enhancements

Like the Pace report, the Productivity report now includes an updated Event Revenue Classification picklist that allows you to select which corporate revenue classifications to include in the report. Custom revenue classifications (for example, Golf and Spa) are also included in the list of available choices.

R16 fixed issues


CR0121936: The Business Lost Date field label is now spelled correctly.

Merge & reports

CR0121200: The BEO merge template now determines the justification of the items on the BEO document. To allow for this, the justification buttons have been removed from the formatting toolbar on the Editing Item Details page, Edit Description page, and Item Details page. All other formatting changes (for example, bold, italic, bullets, etc.) will continue to be managed using the existing buttons on the formatting toolbar.

Opera PMS integration

CR0121693: Property administrators can now access all reservation records for a property, including those that are not linked to a booking.

CR0121896: When a linked PMS room block is updated in Delphi, the room block’s Update Transient Sold checkbox remains cleared and the Link Sent checkbox remains selected. The Availability page also shows accurate Transient Sold numbers for the applicable dates.

R16 P4 new features and enhancements

Events grid enhancements

A favorite feature among many customers, the events grid is a significant time saver when you’re creating, modifying, and detailing booking events. Whether you access it from the Booking page or the Manage Events page, the events grid provides you with a central location for managing an entire event program. And now with these enhancements included in R16 P4, working in the grid has become even easier.

PMS integration enhancements

R16 P4 fixed issues


CR0122171: Function room day records are now created when users with read-only access to a property create events on bookings they are sourced on. This is applicable to properties that are using the enhanced conflict checking feature introduced in R12.

CR0122186: All function room combinations are shaded appropriately in the Function Diary when any subset of the combo room is blocked.


CR0122135: Booking day snapshots are now created when a property has a large number of bookings (over 50,000).


CR0121537: When you convert an RFP inquiry to a booking, Delphi will create new account and contact records if no matching records are found in the system.

Merge & reports

CR0122046: The Event Posting report now only displays events where the Post checkbox is selected.

CR0122250: Guestroom taxes are now calculated on a booking check that includes revenue details.

Opera PMS integration

CR0121116: Guest email addresses that are missing or invalid no longer cause reservation synchronizations to fail in Delphi.


Instructions for enabling the R15 features can be found in the following topics:

For assistance with any feature configuration, contact your Amadeus sales representative to learn more about our Professional Services offerings.

New features and enhancements

Maestro and SMS PMS integrations

R15 now supports integration with the following PMS systems:

With this two-way integration, room block data is exchanged in near real-time. When a room block is modified in Delphi, the corresponding room block is updated in the PMS. Likewise, changes made in the PMS flow back to the linked room block in Delphi. As guests makes reservations associated with a group, the PMS updates Delphi with pickup counts and, on a nightly basis, communicates actualized rooms and revenue from in-house groups.

The PMS also updates guestroom availability in Delphi to reflect transient reservations, PMS-only room blocks, and out-of-order rooms. The integration between Delphi and the PMS eliminates the need for dual data entry and the risk of data discrepancies. This allows Sales Managers to:

The following features are included with the Maestro and SMS integrations:

Opera PMS integration

Mark BEOs revised

Last-minute changes to a BEO that has already been distributed can lead to confusion if your banquets team doesn’t know which version to work from. Now you can make sure that everyone is getting the most current information by marking the BEO revised after making your changes. When you reprint the BEO, a date and time stamp will indicate when the BEO was last marked revised, ensuring that the most recent changes are communicated to your team—as well as your customer—during the event planning process.

To record the changes you made to a BEO, use the Change Log related list on the Booking Event page.

You can mark a BEO revised from several places in Delphi, depending on your current workflow. The Distributed checkbox must be selected before you can mark a BEO revised.

BEO merge templates

Two new fields are now available in the Merge Tool: BEO Revised and BEO Revised Date. When these fields are added to your BEO merge template, you’ll see the word “Revised” and the corresponding date and time.

To access these merge fields, you first need to download and install the latest version of the Merge Tool.

Batch merge revised BEOs

The Create Batch Merge page includes the following new search criteria to help you find all the BEOs you recently revised: Revised BEOs Only, Revised BEO Start Time, and Revised BEO End Time.

Performance and scalability support for large-scale orgs

Properties with large databases will continue to see improved performance in several areas, including guestrooms, availability (Daily Information), moving bookings, and reporting.

Default function room groups

For properties with a large number of function rooms, a new Default Function Room Group option has been added to the Property page. This option allows an administrator to select the function room group that is displayed by default in the Function Diary. This default will only be applied when no other function room groups have been selected to display in the Diary.

Fixed issues


CR0121685, CR0121654: Rates are now displayed in the correct currency format on the Enter Pickup page and the Room Block Details window.

CR0121653: When an RFP inquiry (sent from MeetingBroker) includes temporary account and contact information and you click the Create Booking button, you’re given the option to create a new account and contact record using that temporary information.

CR0121720: An error message is no longer displayed when you change a room block’s arrival, departure, and cutoff dates to a future date.

Events, menus & items

CR0121352: When a menu is added to a package, the Included in Package checkbox is automatically selected on the menu’s items (for example, choice group selections).


CR0121706: The following users can now turn down an RFP inquiry using the Turndown button: Sales & Catering Property Admin, Sales & Catering User, Event Only Property Admin, and Event Only User.


CR0121754: The Advanced Booking merge functionality is now available to event only properties.

CR0121763: An error message is now displayed when you log in to the Merge Tool with an invalid username and password.

CR0121931: The name of the booking’s property is displayed by default in the search criteria on the Create Merge Document page. This automatically populates the Event Classification and Function Room picklists with the property-specific values.


CR0121452: In the Kitchen report, the time now displays in 12-hour format for English (United States), 24-hour format for French (France, Euro), and 12-hour format for Chinese.

CR0121636: The Productivity report includes data for inactive users who were creating and modifying records during the specified activity period.

CR0121674: In the GRC report, you can now see bookings from all active and inactive users, as well as users who are no longer associated with the property.


R14 includes an optional Change Status button for properties with large bookings. Instructions for enabling this button can be found in the following topic: Enable the Change Status button.

For assistance with any feature configuration, contact your Amadeus sales representative to learn more about our Professional Services offerings.

New features and enhancements

Change Status button

Properties working with large bookings (500 or more events) can add a Change Status button to the Booking page layouts to improve the performance of conflict checking. After this button has been added, it needs to be used in place of the Status field on all bookings at the property. Clicking Change Status opens a new page with a drop-down list of available statuses. After a new status is selected, the page displays a summary of the changes that will be made to the booking's events and room blocks.

Most properties won't need to use the Change Status button, but if you encounter performance delays when updating a booking's status, you can add the button and use it in place of the Status field at any time.

Performance and scalability support for large-scale orgs

Properties with large databases will see improved performance in several areas, including booking status changes, conflict checking, and revenue rollups.

Fixed issues


CR0121687: The Booking and Actual Quantity fields now calculate correctly on all menus and items that are added to a package event.

CR0121733: Function room taxes are calculated correctly when the applied tax group includes other revenue classifications in addition to the function room rental classification.

Events, menus & items

CR0090944: When you copy an event and its menus and items, the Booked and Actual Quantity values on each menu and item are also copied to the new event.

Help & training

CR0121591: The link for the Managing Inquiries video has been restored in the “Creating a Booking from an Inquiry” Help topic.

Merge & reports

CR0121762: You can now merge documents from the Inquiry page.


New features and enhancements

Batch merge

A new search option called Records Using Selected Template Only has been added to the Create Batch Merge Document page. When selected, this option lets you search for all BEOs or banquet checks that use a specific template. You can then batch merge those records into a single document for distribution.

Performance and scalability support for large-scale orgs

Properties with large databases will see improved performance in several areas, including batch merging, availability, and reporting.

Availability view filters

The function room groups you select in the Function Diary are automatically applied to all your availability views (Availability tab and Booking page).

The inline Function Diary on the Booking page will only display function room groups that are applicable to that property.

Fixed issues


CR0121371: Bookings no longer display multiple times on the Enter Pickup tab when a room block name contains an apostrophe.

Events, menus & items

CR0121160: When the menus and items on an event don’t have a serve time or date, changing the event’s start or end time (or date) no longer results in intermittent error messages.

Merge & reports

CR0121385: When output to PDF, the GRC report now displays bookings owned by users with a comma in their name.

Opera integration

CR0121681: Sales and Catering corporate and property administrators can now run the Discrepancy report.

Volume contracts

CR0121686: When you’re creating a new volume contract, all accounts that meet your filter criteria on the New Volume Contract: Property and Account Selection page are displayed.


Instructions for enabling the R12 features can be found in the following topic: Enable the R12 merge features.

For assistance with any feature configuration, contact your Amadeus sales representative to learn more about our Professional Services offerings.

New features and enhancements

Manage events

Managing your events is now even easier with these new features:

Advanced Booking merge

A new version of the Merge Add-In Tool now includes the Advanced Booking document type. With this document type, you can create merge documents that contain a booking’s package, other income, and terms and conditions information. You customize your advanced booking documents by selecting from the following new template parts, each of which adds a preformatted table to your template:

Merge documents

The Create Merge Document page now includes several new search criteria fields to help you filter the events on a booking before merging. For example, if all events taking place on August 21 in the Harbor Room need to be put on the same BEO, you can filter the booking’s complete list of events to select only those that meet your search criteria. The new search fields are available for the BEO and Banquet Check document types.

When you batch merge banquet checks, the event date from the first corresponding BEO is displayed in the header of all checks in the batch.

Performance and scalability support for large-scale orgs

Properties with large databases will see improved performance in several areas, including modifying room blocks, entering pickup, modifying bookings and events, converting inquiries to bookings, and reporting (for example, GRC and Function Room by Hour).

Enable Enhanced Booking Event Conflict Checking utility

Enable Enhanced Booking Event Conflict Checking has been added as a new utility in Amadeus Settings. This utility will improve the performance of conflict checking for large databases by storing the function room inventory in a dedicated table.


Guestroom blocks and other income items now inherit the property’s default tax group.


A message has been added to the bottom of the Room Block Details page, prompting you to click View History to see the room block details.

DirectBook integration

The Rack Rate field has been added to all non-ROH (Run of House) guestroom types in Property Administration. This field is applicable to future DirectBook integrations only.

Opera integration

Room blocks no longer display discrepant on status when Opera is successfully updated.

Fixed issues

Accounts & contacts

CR0121499: When you change the owner on an account that is visible to all properties, the “All Internal Sharing” group remains on the account.


CR0121493: Inactive booking sources no longer prevent the booking owner from creating events and guestroom blocks on the booking.

CR0121566: You can now create bookings for properties with more than 50,000 account records.

Events, menus & items

CR0115893: The search results on the Manage Menus and Items page now display the item category correctly.


CR0121238: When a change is made to an event’s menus and items after a BEO has been batch merged, the subsequent batch merge will reflect this change.

CR0121500: When you merge an advanced booking document, all events are now placed in the correct start time order.

CR0121543: The following error message is no longer intermittently displayed when you merge a BEO from a booking: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

CR0121557: Duplicate BEO numbers are no longer generated when two users generate a BEO at the same exact time.

Opera integration

CR0121266: PM Stay messages that are not associated with a room block no longer display as failed. Instead, the message is processed and the following result message is displayed: “Stay received successfully. PM Stay has no allotment code. Message stored but no data was modified or updated.”

CR0121359: Cancelling or turning down an event only booking now generates an outbound message to Opera.

CR0121444: The property’s time zone is used (rather than the user’s time zone) in determining when to mark a room block pickup complete.

CR0121490: PM Reservation messages that are not associated with a room block no longer display with a status of Pending in the Message Viewer. Instead, the message is processed and the following result message is displayed: “Reservation received successfully. PM Reservation has no allotment code. Message stored but no data was modified or updated.”


CR0121455: A timeout error message is no longer displayed when you run the Pace and Productivity reports against a large amount of data.

CR0121472: Roomnight and revenue information now match in the Productivity and Productivity Verification reports.

Setup & configuration

CR0090815: Deleted event classifications are no longer available for selection on new events.


New features and enhancements

Improved performance for the Room Block Details window

The Room Block Details window now displays information in 10-day increments, improving its performance. Use the Next and Previous arrows to view the remaining days, and the View History button to access room block summary information.

Opera reservations and room availability

When an Opera reservation message includes multiple guestrooms, Delphi updates room availability accordingly.

Fixed issues


Opera PMS integration

MeetingBroker integration

Reports & merge documents


The function room groups feature included in R10 needs to be enabled before you can use it. See Enable function room groups for more information.

For assistance with any feature configuration, contact your Amadeus sales representative to learn more about our Professional Services offerings.

New features and enhancements

Function room groups

The Function Diary can now be filtered by one or more function room groups to allow you to review only space that is pertinent to your event (for example, outdoor space or boardrooms). Function room groups are defined at the property level by an administrator.

Out of order rooms

The Daily Information section of the Availability page displays the total number of guestrooms that are out of order by property and by day.

Package pricing and package codes

The following features are applicable only to properties that are integrated with the Opera PMS.

Fixed issues


CR0098743: French language users can now clone bookings.

CR0121128: When you add a package to a booking, any events already on the booking that have the same event classification and date as the package events are automatically associated with the package. No new events are created.

Events, menus, and items

CR0111791: When the Dutch (Netherlands) user locale is used, the sum of the revenue breakdown on menus calculates correctly. CR0121128: When creating an event from a booking package, if there is an event on that day with the same event classification the package is associated with the existing event.

Merge documents

CR0091281:Users without a default property and without access to the org’s default property are unable to batch merge and are appropriately notified.

CR0112438: Batch merge event list now sorts events by start date and then start time.

CR0121075: Batch merge now completes when the unit price, menu item quantity, and event attendance are empty.

Opera integration

CR0098785: Messages that combine reservations no longer fail.

CR0121202: The PMS ID/Group Code can now include dashes and other special characters.

CR0121203: A cancel by date is not displayed when the property has a non-cancellable policy set in Opera.

CR0121204: Changes to the booking arrival date and room block dates now update Opera.

CR0121205: Stay messages are no longer failed if there is no PMS ID/Group Code.

CR0121213: The outbound queue no longer stalls when processing a deleted room block for an existing booking.

Known issues

Volume contract pickup

CR0121216: When you enter volume contract pickup, selecting a new owner filter does not automatically update the volume contract list.

Workaround: Change the owner and click Save.

March 5, 2015 (R9)

Instructions for enabling the R9 features can be found in the following topics:

For assistance with any feature configuration, contact your Amadeus sales representative to learn more about our Professional Services offerings.

New features and enhancements


The new packages functionality in R9 allows you to define a standard collection of services that will be sold for a single price. The package is defined in Setup and is then added to bookings. The packages functionality allows you to:

Other income items

With the addition of other income items, you can now manage revenue that is not included in the standard event or guestroom categories (for example, golf, spa, transportation, parking, restaurant meals, and ski lift tickets). Defined in Setup, other income items can be sold as part of a package, or they can be added to a booking outside of a package. When an other income item is part of a booking package, its quantity can default to the package attendance or can be manually entered to reflect individual charges.

Revenue from other income items is rolled up into the appropriate revenue classifications on the booking. Additionally, proposals and booking checks can include details about a booking’s other income items.

Advanced Booking merge

The Advanced Booking Merge functionality in R9 allows you to generate proposals and booking checks that contain details about a booking’s packages, events, guestrooms, other income items, terms and conditions, and revenue rollups. With this new functionality, you can:


Several enhancements were added to the BEO merge functionality in R9:

Terms and conditions

R9 allows administrators to define terms and conditions related to the services offered at a property. Those terms and conditions can then be automatically added to new bookings or manually selected by users and merged into contracts.

Fixed issues


CR0090620: Room block average rates display in the proper currency format.

CR0091381: You can save a booking when the Booking Status picklist has been translated.

Events, menus, and items

CR0090802: The Manage Menus and Items page now uses the correct numerical separators for unit prices.

CR0091077: When you add a detailed menu to an event, the prompts for your choice group display in the proper order.

CR0091277: The Function Diary now shows the apostrophes, quotes, or slashes that are present in a function room’s name.

Merge and reports

CR0089889: The GRC report now includes bookings that have had their associated booking type or market segment deleted.

CR0090785: While batch merging, you are notified when there are no active corporate document templates available.

CR0090821: New BEO template validations do not allow special characters in the document section names.

CR0090871, CR0091159: The GRC report is no longer missing rooms for a group spanning three months.

CR0090915: When exported to PDF, the GRC report now includes bookings that have a comma in the market segment name.

CR0090937: The Booking Recap report orders events according to both their date and start time.

CR0091039: The GRC report now lists bookings according to status in the order that follows: definite, tentative, and then prospect.

CR0091040: Long comments wrap to the next line in the Booking Recap report.

CR0091152: Merge templates with an ampersand (&) in their name merge correctly.

CR0091378: When multiple banquet checks are included in a batch merge, taxes and service charges now display appropriately for each check.

CR0091454: View Only users are prevented from merging and batch merging.

CR0091516, CR0091531: The BEO now displays the menus and items in the order that you’ve defined on the Manage Menus and Items page.

CR0096254: Batch merged documents are sorted by event start date and time.